Newmarket Card Game

Newmarket refers to a card game that’s also called Michigan, Stops, or Boodle. Around 3 to 8 players can play the game. The ultimate goal is to get rid of all the cards (in your hand) and play specific cards to win stakes. The game is played using a deck of 52 poker playing cards where the Ace is the highest-ranking, followed by King and Queen all through to 2, which is the lowest. The gameplay involves setting stakes before a layout. Furthermore, a layout board includes cards that are put in a particular order from a new deck of cards.

  1. Newmarket Card Game Rules Uk
  2. Newmarket Card Game
  3. Newmarket Card Game Online
  4. Newmarket Card Game Horses

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The Newmarket layout includes 3 face cards: Ace, King, Queen and Jack placed in ascending order, Ace to Jack. A of Hearts, J of Spades, K of Clubs and Q of Diamonds are often used. The cards are usually referred to as boodle or pay cards. The dealer places two chips on each layout cards prior to the players deal with their cards at hand. Then the dealer sets 2 chips on every layout card, after which the players put 1 on each. The game deal takes a clockwise turn system -the left player starts the game. To win:

  • By playing a run of three
  • By being the first to dispose of all the cards dealt

Basic Rules for the First Player

A dealer (the 1st randomly assigned player) starts by laying the 4 pay cards face up on the table. Then the dealer places 2 chips on every card while other players place 1 on each card. Then the dealer deals the cards each at a time following clockwise direction.


One extra hand known as spare or dummy hand is dealt. Finally, all cards are dealt though all players might not have an equal number of cards. The player to the left of the dealer starts the game and plays one card. Only the lowest card in a suit may be played first.

Basic Rules for the Preceding Players

The immediate player is supposed to play the same suit’s next highest card. This continues until the Ace, or the most top card of a suit is played or when no player can play anymore. Such a suit card can still be in the spare hand.

The next round has to be started by the one who played the stop card (a card that no other player can follow) or the highest card. The rule of playing the lowest card still holds. Any person that plays a card that matches any of the layout cards wins all chips put on the card.

Other Newmarket Basic Rules

The game ends when one player runs out of cards. When this happens, other players with cards need to pay 1 chip for every remaining card. Any player with no cards becomes the default winner of these chips. The chips still available on the layout cards are passed on to the next round.

This is the list of the Newmarket game standard rules. However, players break these rules at times. The games are, at times, played slightly different from the basic rules. Here is a summary of how to play Newmarket game of cards:

  • Select and place Boodle cards
  • Deal
  • Playing the cards
  • Ending the game
  • Winning chips

How to Jazz Up the Newmarket Game

In Newmarket game, the sure way to increase the level of excitement is to avoid playing for pennies. Otherwise, some will give the dealer the freedom to switch his hand with a spare hand. The opportunity goes to the immediate player in case the player refuses.

Some players set a sell-off for the spare hand – the money ends up in the kitty. Some firmly believe that if a player exhausts a run, they should not change colour but suit. Newmarket game can be delightful if you can include enough of this for just a while.

Extra rules for the Newmarket Game

The spare hand complicates the game since some cards will not be in the deck. Aces are high in the Newmarket game. Some of the games require you to play a different suit from the previous one at the start.

In other versions, the turn passes to the next player on your left in case you don’t have a different suit. For some versions, players are free to exchange their hand for a spare if they are the dealer. This applies if,and only if, a player can do it without having to look at the spare hand first.

Additional Tips and Choices

Some of the Newmarket game versions require each of the players involved to start the game with a specific number of chips. Each play needs to lay out their chips from the pay cards regarding their preferences.

A player with a poor hand – a few pictures, a few cards in runs, and many low cards – should bid everything to get the spare. You can buy a Newmarket game board set to either play this game or use regular play poker cards as this will allow you to have to enjoy with your friends and relatives.


OBJECTIVE OF CALIFORNIA SPEED: The objective of California Speed is to empty your hand first.

Newmarket Card Game Rules Uk


MATERIALS: One 52-card deck, and a flat surface.

TYPE OF GAME: Shedding Card Game



Play newmarket card game

California Speed is a Shedding card game for two people. Similar in some ways to war, players will each have a pile of cards that they will play from without viewing cards prior. These cards will then be matched and covered. The player to empty their hand first wins.


A 52-card deck is shuffled, and each player will receive half the deck, or 26 cards exactly. Players will receive their cards facedown and will take them into their hands as a pile and keep them facedown. This prevents their opponent and themselves from viewing any of the cards.

Card Rankings and Values

In California Speed, ranking and suits do not matter. The only thing players will look for is matching sets. So, if the cards they are viewing have the same value. For example, 2 Aces have the same value regardless of suit. 3 Queens will also have the same value and are valid targets.


Once both players have their piles in hand the game can begin. Simultaneously both players will flip the top card of their pile face up onto the table in front of them. This will be done four times so that each player has a line of 4 cards in front of them. Once the last card for each player is placed, players can start to search for matching sets. A match consists of two to 4 cards of the same value, for example, three 4s or two Aces.

Newmarket Card Game

When a player spots a match, they will deal cards from their piles faceup to cover all the matching cards. If both players spot at the same time they will be racing to cover the cards faster, both players may end up covering cards in the match but cannot cover the same card together. If the new cards create more matches players will continue to cover up cards with cards from their hands. This continues until there are no more valid matches to cover.

Newmarket Card Game Online

Each player will now collect all the cards stacked on the four piles in front of them and add them to the bottom of their pile. Once cards are situated back in the pile, players will again start to deal out 4 cards face up in front of themselves together and will repeat the gameplay as above.


This continues until a player plays out the final card from their pile onto a match to the faceup cards in front of either player. the full match does not need to be covered just as longa s one of the valid cards of a match is.


Newmarket Card Game Horses

The game ends when a player empties their hand. They are the winner of the game. multiple games can be played in secession and kept score so that a winner can be found through a series of games.